Loose B&W photos (large format) of buildings by Boehm
Description13 Loose B&W photos (large format) of buildings by Boehm. Including 'Battunga', Echunga, for G.M. Kebbell (house) (S216/2/3/1), War Memorial Hall, Blackwood (S216/2/3/2), Homestead, Bugle Ranges, for J S Thring (house) (S216/2/3/30, Structural Mill, Whyalla, for BHP - photo of model (S216/2/3/4), Jamestown Memorial Hall, Jamestown (S216/2/3/5), Heathfield High School (3 photos (S216/2/3/6-8)), Red Cross House, Adelaide (offices), (S216/2/3/9), H C Sleigh, Adelaide (offices) (S216/2/3/10), 198 Stanley St, North Adelaide for Sydney Hamilton (house) (S216/2/3/11), Metro Drive In (projection room & canteen) (S216/2/3/12), and Bank of Adelaide, Tynte St, North Adelaide (S216/2/3/13).